The purpose of this blog is to keep all of us in touch with each other, post what's happening in our lives, share a funny picture, or publish anything else you want. It'll be like Spieg's class all over again, except for you'll want to write in it! We started this way back in 2010 after graduation. Remember that time? We're so OLD now!
Now here's a funny picture for you to look at:
Team work!
Friday, December 31, 2010
the hits just keep on coming
2. My manager, who I defend to people cuz despite his faults I think he's a generally good guy, told me to my face he thought I was lying about this sickness. Me, who in my almost 6 month tenure there has never ever been late and before this episode called in ONCE. Me, who obsessively cleans and stocks during slow times when others fall asleep in the chair on the clock.
3. I just got a letter from HMS host, my official employer, informing me (it's quite confusing and my mom will have to read it) that I either didn't sign up for health insurance next year (I spent hours on it) OR I have been unqualified for not having enough hours. Because of the time I was sick.
4. The DOCTOR HIMSELF called my house at SIX PM on a day his office was CLOSED to tell me something was up with my blood work the last time I was in (for my terrible unidentified coughing up blood but not pneumonia illness) and that I NEED to come back to get my blood checked on again. He mentioned a white count being low. I know from my years of experience watching hospital shows that could be: AIDS or leukemia. I'm pretty sure I don't have AIDS cuz my gyno didn't mention it last time when I had to have a terribly painful procedure and I certainly haven't done anything risky since that. Which leaves leukemia (or something tv didn't educate me on) and now i WON'T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. I got my blood taken yesterday and if I don't hear from them by Monday or Tuesday then I'm probably fine. tick tock.
Before receiving this letter about my lack of insurance (I forgot to mention that I've been on my mom's but she took me off because I was gonna get it from HMS host. Btw, obama's plan doesn't help me out in this situation. Thanks. So glad I got you elected.) I was in a decent mood. I was gonna write and post a pic of my car and tell you guys about this student's endearing story and how my brother and I watch the wire constantly and how gross and DISGUSTING my seventeen year old cousin is. Hopefully I will calm down and post a happy post. We shall see.
Monday, December 27, 2010
it's been raining a shit ton lately, but i guess that's better than snow right.....
one day at borders i sold 25 borders rewards plus (that's the membership that get discounts and stuff, but ours is better than barnes and nobles). i usually barely get 4 in a day. maybe i'm starting to be a good salesperson. christmas was cracra.the lines were soo long. i was at the register all the time. the store looks like shit because we don't have enough people working since we are all at the registers ringing up the customers. i've been working a ton, but looks like things will start to die down again.
so on christmas eve we went to my dads cousins house for a party. there were like 18 of us, but maybe 12 of us were drinking champange and we killed 10 bottles. then christmas day i just chilled at home. it was super low key this year. so for new years my family is gonna eat crab and pop some firecrackers. but this is the last year we can pop firecrackers/fireworks. the state passed a new law so next year we can't pop fireworks anymore. that just killed the spirit of hawaii....(kelly knows how crazy hawaii is with fireworks on new years)
i'm so proud of you tiffy. your all grown up paying your own bills and what not. i don't even make enough to pay my own rent. sorry to hear about all the financial problems you had.
kelly-wow that stuff about cambria and your cousin andrew sounds sooo funny. lipbalm!
i'm so confused...did someone change the dog picture again.....
so there is this japanese drama called nodame cantablie, and i was watching it again recently and it made me really inspired to practice again. it's about music students and stuff so we can really relate to them, even though they are fake playing, but the concept is there. you can stream it online, so you guys should watch it if you have time. there are 11 45min episodes, 2 1hr &30min specials, and 2 1hr45min-ish movies. The movies are super good. Its all good. Here is the link to stream it
Sunday, December 26, 2010
fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra!
i didn't know that tiffy posted until yesterday so it was such a wonderful christmas surprise to read about your life! I was glad to hear that you are doing well and see those cute doggies you posted, even if one of them did have to be put to sleep :( at any rate, i am glad that you are enjoying your internship and that you like working at whole foods. it sounds like your house is pretty cold but i am sure that you have lots of blankets, seeing as you always were curled up in one when we were roomies. i miss those days, except for when bridget always had the tv on, i wasn't a huge fan of that. but y'all were good roommates. glad to hear you're dating a musician as well, that's good. and thanks for the christmas card, it was so cute!
i am SO glad to be home for a little bit. it's nice to be able to stay here for an extended period of time versus the like 1 day that i came home during fall quarter. i got 3 weeks off of school but i worked an extra week in admissions because we were so busy and stuff around december 15 and stuff. when i came home though i went through indy to eat dinner with patrick and of course he just ended up coming home with me. i went to his grandma's funeral last week and met his entire dad's side of the family for the first time. i thought it would be super awkward since it was his grandma that i had never met and that i didn't know anyone there, but his dad's side is SUPER nice and friendly and it wasn't awkward at all. i think his grandma's death hit him a little bit harder than he will admit, but he seems to be doing well. we spent most of last week hanging at my house with my family and he got me hooked on this sci-fi show called sanctuary, which was on the sci-fi channel (go figure). it's pretty good except sometimes it's a little cheesy but it's mainly pretty good. he went to my family's christmas eve dinner in spencer and then he went home for christmas yesterday, but he's coming back here today to hang out.
my family's christmas get together was really fun. it has recently become VERY entertaining to be around my mom's side of the family because my little cousin cammie (patrice knows her) is SO mischevious (sp?)!! she's 3 now and her aunt and uncle (my other cousins) think that her parents let their kids get away with too much. for example, they let cammie play on top of their huge SUV when it was raining and cammie fell off of it into gravel. i'm pretty sure they all just laughed when it happened, even cammie. but it's so funny because their parenting drives my other cousins up the wall so it's like a huge ridiculous mess when we get together. but it's funny. for example, my cousin andrew (the one who thinks his sister is a bad mom) was really teasing cammie the other day and he kept saying the same stuff over and over and over and she just looks at him with this little evil look in her face and says "if you say that one more time, uncle andrew, i am going to kick you in the face." just like, plain as day, totally serious. she is crazy, but she is so cute too! patrice knows. haha. but my get togethers are now really entertaining cause it's usually cammie (and her brother cooper) doing really funny misbehavingish-type things and my other cousins getting really annoyed by it, haha. oh well.
no ring this christmas. it's still at my house, so looks like i won't be engaged in 2010. ohhhhhh well. that's ok, i'm still young.
at this time last year i was on my way to hawaii. sigh. wish i could go again, considering how much fun i had with patrice and anna. and i ate so much good food. and it was WARM. ahhhhhhhhhh. i need to stop thinking about it.
i am thinking about you all right now during the holidays and i miss you all very much! i hope you were all as excited about christmas as this lady shopping at walmart was...

Monday, December 20, 2010
'Tis the season...
Also, I am sick too.
for Tiffypoo to finally let everyone know whats going on in her life.
First of all I would just like to let everyone know that I am cold. I'm still cold.
So Rach knows most of this stuff already, sorry you have to hear this again!
living situation:
NYC/Jersey City is great! I live in Jersey City (which is like a stone's throw from NYC, it's closer than Brooklyn and Queens and its cheaper!) My place is not too bad. I live in a 3fl house with 4 other people, one of which is my landlady. I most definitely have the best room in the house. It's the cutest (it was already furnished!) and largest out of all the rooms. The only drawback is that it's in the basement so I can hear everyone walking around...and also the heater in the room needs to be fixed too, so its cold in there. Heat still not fixed! But, I only pay $500/month with everything included (electricity, water, laundry, and cable) I know that sounds like a lot for renting a single room but it's actually pretty remarkable that I found something that cheap. I would be paying at least $300-400 more if I were in Brooklyn, which is where most 20-something NYC transplants flock to. What else? The place is really cute. My landlord, Carson, used to run a bed-and-bath in the house so all the decorations and furniture and little knick-knacks are super cute. There's a lot of french inspired things around the house because she catered to French tourists. There are two dogs, Jules and Maggie. Jules is an old-man dog. He has doggie osteoporosis. :( Jules had to be put down two weeks ago because he couldn't move his back legs anymore. Maggie is young and full of energy. She likes to chew things like power cords and shoes and people's plush horses... The house is like a 15-min walk to the train I take to get into the city and in a pretty safe part of Jersey City.
working situation:
WNYC (Soundcheck) is awesome. I still have to do mundane intern things like make coffee and sort mail but I also do like actual work that a real producer would do. I've worked on two preps (like scripts for the host) so far and in the process of one right now for Wednesday's show. I do a lot of research, reading, and writing about music in all genres. I'm also in charge of the facebook and twitter accounts too. It's pretty cool and I've met a lot of interesting people. Every once in a while a big name will drop by like Ben Folds, David Byrne, Alex Ross...Regina Spektor is coming next week. I'm not exactly sure when the internship ends but I think it will most likely be in Feb or March. Internship was supposed to end this month but the senoir producer asked me to stay for the coming semester! We'll see where I go from there. Grad school has come across my mind again.
I also work at Whole Foods as a barista in their coffee shop. It's a pretty great job. I get paid $10/hr and work about 30-35 hrs a week. Just about everyone that works there is either a hippie or a hipster (yes there is a difference) and an alarming amount of them are from California. My department (specialty) is the coolest; it includes cheese, coffee and beer. The WF I work at is in TriBeCa (there are like 5 other stores in manhattan alone) which means there's a lot of young rich families everywhere. Without fail, on any given day, I will hear at least 3 babies crying. In addition to doing coffee I also get to make gelato! It's super fun coming up with different flavors and experimenting with ingredients. We have this sorbet that I came up with now, Hard Apple Cider. SO GOOD! I basically stole 5 bottles of Crispin's Hard Apple Cider from beer and used that as my liquid instead of water. num nums. Best part of working at WF: everyone calls me Tiffypoo.
With my internship I usually end up working 50 hrs a week and have one day off...oh that glorious day off. I'm basically working all the time.
financial situation:
I'm poor! Not a lot of money to spare here. It wouldn't be so bad if a) I had not been sued last month and b) at&t would not have taken $400 out of my bank account without my consent. Now I know you're probably like "What?! Why did you get sued?" Well it's a long's the abridged version: my insurance company decided to deny the claim from when I got into a car accident in March and the dude's insurance company who I got into accident with sued me $1600 for that claim. This hit me out of nowhere last month. I was supposedly not covered with insurance at the time of the accident, but my mom swears that I was so she's looking for documents to prove that I was right now. In the meantime though I am obligated to pay off that money. I had to put $500 down and will pay $150 for the next six months. If my mom can prove that I was covered then I'll get reimbursed all the money, so let's hope that happens. The at&t situation is also really long and stupid too. I was basically fighting with them for a week over the $400 they took out of my bank account without me knowing. They basically told me they wouldn't put the money back into my account (the money they took out without my consent) unless there was another $400 that would replace it. Uh what?! stupid, so that's a lost cause. Also both of these things happened in one week, so I lost almost $1000 in just a few days...thank god I had enough money in my account to cover everything. I had to defer paying off my loans because of this. Luckily I make just enough money from WF to cover all my monthly expenses, but I only have about $100 breathing room each month...things are real tight! So my finances kind of suck right now, but I like the fact that I am completely independent, paying all my bills and rent on my own. I'm a big girl!
other things 12/20/10
I have a boyfriend. His name is Ryan. He works at WF too; He is the beer buyer. He's also a musician. We've been dating since the beginning of October. Things are good on that front. He loves the Dead, Phish, and pot....he's a hippie. He is an aries. Our signs go together at least.
I got a membership to Bally's for my birthday. So now I can work out n stuff.
I think thats it for now. I'm going to read all the posts I missed now.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
it made me cry a lot
so please
will none of you ever write on your facebook or something about how you like miss tiffy the most?
i miss everyone
but apparently the feeling is not mutual
also i feel like beth in little women
one day i'll take a pic of my new car (named him enrique) and put it on the blog) but changing clothes exhausted me today. so maybe tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
the talk with my parents @ thanksgiving went really well. i think my parents were more nervous for it than we were, but they just gave us advice and stuff, it was cute. i don't think patrick'll propose probably until this summer or maybe early fall, so don't hold your breath for xmas or valentine's or my bday or anything. but hopefully it will be within the next calendar year. we'll see!
i am so looking forward to tiffy's blog omg! it better be epic!
i did pretty much all my xmas shopping online today and am trying to spend <$30 for each person i'm buying for. it's hard! stuff costs lots o money! ahh!
i really missed patricey at my thanksgiving this year. eating chinese noodles wasn't the same without you.
FINALLY i had an amazing lesson with mr. kawasaki today. at the beginning of the quarter he assigned me 4 etudes from kreutzer and today was only my 2nd time seeing him, so i played all 4 etudes for him and he said that they were all "very good" which is awesome cause he hardly ever gives compliments. and i played a little bit of my concerto for him and he liked that too. so i think i'm now on his "good side" which is like a really good thing. so good, in fact, that he assigned me 7 MORE FUCKING ETUDES. 7. pretty much #9-15 in kreutzer. rach, it was really funny today because he was like going through each etude that he was assigning me and he was like "this is for string crossing" and i was thinking yeah i know cause that cray cray ped assignment we did.
anyway, i'm working on baking xmas cookies tonight and trying to practice my scales. the only scary thing that i have left this quarter is our scales test...we have to take one at the end of every quarter and we have to pick a scale (i'm doing c maj since it's my first one) and we have to play major, all 3 minors, arpeg, 3rds, 6ths, 8ves, and either an etude/orch excerpt all from memory. gaaaaaag. so i gotta try and cram all that shit in before next tuesday. ew.
also work is now CRAZY because apparently everyone and their mother waits to submit their grad school apps (well i did this actually) until thanksgiving break so then when the admissions staff comes back after break we have like 8 huge mailbins full of mail...and everyone calls at the same time asking me the same damn question, "where do i send express mail? the ups guy said i can't send it to a PO box...." and i'm the. damn. directions. in. the. application. handbook. NOBODY READS ANYTHING ANYMORE. but i actually really love work so i shouldn't complain, it's just annoying when people don't read.
is anyone else as excited about this movie as i am?!?! i'm going to see it next week. !
cough cough
I'm sick. Went home early from work today. I'm sitting here eating cheese, despite my total lack of an appetite. You know how most people lose weight when they're sick? Well, I only throw up from booze and often choose to eat out of boredom. And that is what I'm doing now. ALSO my mom made cookies yesterday (yay) so im eating those to make me feel better. So far, nope. We shall see though. Perhaps the cheese will help.
So Kelly, I saw on facebook that you had a great thanksgiving. Also you told us you were planning on talking to your rents about a wedding over thanksgiving. WE NEED DETAILS. If you don't want to tell them you could just email me.
Patrice, I appreciate your congrats BUT im gonna need you to notice that despite the fact I am a bad ass barista I only got the promotion after complaining that the total loser was being promoted over me. ALSO even more evidence that johnathon never intended to promote me - i think he gave me the wrong book. Like I think he gave me the trainer's book. But we shall see.
Patrice, I'm in your boat and totally understand your lack of motivation but I have a couple suggestions you might want to consider. If you don't, no problemo. 1. continue to apply to better jobs, dont put all your eggs in the jet basket (although that was a good essay) 2. try to get some violin students. It might make you feel like the last 12 years of your life havent been a COMPLETE waste (it does me). but it is good you're getting more hours at borders. did you work black friday?
My thanksgiving was good. My aunt got a little drunk and that was funny. My brother was there and that was fun. MY car is made. It's on a train somewhere. Did I tell you guys that already? I should get it this week or next. I was hoping to get it a little later because I wanted a bigger downpayment. But whatever. It'll be fun to drive my new fiesta around!
Putting the cheese away and getting another cookie. Wish me good health!
PS to everyone but tiffy. Tiffy tells of BIG blog plans. It'll be pages long, it'll have pictures, and movies, and smells, and be interactive. BE EXCITED
Friday, November 26, 2010
in between
Can I say that I'm not unhappy but not super happy either. Been getting more hours, I finally work 5 days a week instead of 1. Things are getting busy with the holidays. People are buying stuff. I'm still working out. Did some shopping, it made me happy, but then I thought about spending money and it made me sad.....I need to be saving not spending.
Rach congrats on the promotion!!!!!!! ;) That sucks you have to do training and you don't get paid for the hours.
Oh, so one of my friends from high school, she lives in California with her Navy boyfriend, I went to visit them over spring break last year, well they got engaged. Hes a nice guy, and seems good for her. But wow, that was fast. This is like the first one of my close friends to get engaged. It's kind of shocking for me.
I don't practice my violin ever. I feel like I don't have a goal/motivation/dream. I don't know what to do. I'm waiting for JET, but I feel like mehhh. No aspiration what so ever. Waiting for people to come home for their winter breaks so I'll have more people to hang out with.
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
so much to do
ok so in other news - talked to the manager about the bull shit of life. i did not put it like that though. That would be tacky. It was more "i just wanted to talk with you because I heard a rumor that two ppl that started at the same time as me or later than me were being promoted, and I was wondering why i was not consdiered" well he was flustered and just started saying that i am beyond awesome and like the best employee ever and they couldn't make coffee without me, and OF COURSE he was gonna promote me DUH he was hoping to talk to me about it forever and he tells everyone how AWESOME i am. I was, and kinda still am, QUITE upset about this massive miscarriage of justice, and so i think he was scared i was gonna quit and did not know what to say. because he spoke to the others about these promotions weeks ago. and i work five days a week, it's not like he didn't have the option. And then the other day chandler (don't have the details yet) started fighting with johnathon over other shit and then eventually about who gets promoted and got stephanie (who was gonna be promoted like a month ago) to get UNpromoted so that I will be promoted. Yes, I too, am confused. Stephanie is an annoying and often lazy BITCH. But she knows more and cares to know more than max ever will, and she's been there way longer. So I think if anyone should ever have their promotion taken away it should be max. Also half our training is sposed to be by ourselves, at home, OFF the clock. Fucked up? I think so. Ima go through with the promotion, even w/the off the clock training. And Ima hope for a new job. There is one that is PERFECT for me so of course i have it already in my head. I will keep you updated.
MY PARENTS GOT REAL INTERNET. I know, you're excited. ME TOO! I finally got to log in to my sallie mae account and my loans are almost $500 less than I thought. AND my payment is due in january, not novemeber. HECK YES.
OK, I needto work on job apps. Love you guys. Patrice, keep working out. I've been fat this week and I need you as inspiration.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
i just wanted everyone to know in case you didn't already that speigs is officially getting married!! i confirmed this information with patrick last night. patrick actually went out with speigs and his now fiance last spring with brad and katie blakey to a cigar bar, lol...but they had lots of fun and patrick said his new ladyfriend is pretty cool. anyway, i thought since this blog was sort of a reminiscence of speigs's old blog that i'd pay homage to him by talking about him. haha.! woo!
life is still pretty lonely here in the nasty 'nati...but i might get a kitty!!! which shows how desperate i am because i'm allergic to kitties. but i'm not sure if i can afford one so i'm still trying to decide. i am so excited for thanksgiving and christmas to see my family and stuff!! i set up christmas decorations from the $$ tree in my apartment and they are so cute!! i got a little 3 foot tree from walmart and set it up. it makes it a little more homey i guess. sometimes at night i just turn off my lights and turn the xmas tree on and light a cinnamon-smelling candle and just stare at my tree and think about how much i can't wait to go home. weird and depressing right? lol it sounds like something from one of the more pathetic part of bridget jones's diary...haha
in more exciting news (and pretty much the only thing that keeps me from killing myself of loneliness here), patrick and i have been talking about getting married non-stop for the past two months. we're going to talk to my parents about it at thanksgiving (They like want us to take pre-marriage classes or something ) and then he's going to propose to me sometime within the year after that, if all goes according to plan. so mark your calendars for fall 2012, i think that's when we want the wedding to happen. like i said, it's basically the only thing that keeps me motivated to do anything while i'm so lonely here, but it's still pretty exciting. i hope i look like this at my wedding!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I just read the previous posts and all I can say is ick! Not a great year for the majority of 2010 grads eh? We just gotta ride through the storm guys...I can see the promised land and it's full of rainbows and unicorns, and maybe a little extra cash too.
things aren't too bad for me here in NYC. I am much happier since I moved to the city and less stressed out about life (I can tell because my hair stopped falling out in clumps in the shower which was a problem I had over the summer and basically all of senior year.)I'll post more on what's happening in my life soon when I can get to a real computer with internet.
k byezzz! :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I, however, have never been late, called in, or been a no call no show. I got a freaking perfect score on my review because I do a good job. I work my ASS off. I work so hard, and just like EVERYTHING ELSE it gets me NOTHING. We started at the same time. I mean I don't really want to be a lead at starbucks that badly, but WHAT THE FUCK. He is so lazy. He might be getting it before me because he worked at starbucks via hms host (my employer) before me, because he worked there in florida. However, he GOT FIRED from there so i don't see why that should be rewarded. I cried most of the way home. WHY DO I TRY?
Ok, I am gonna try to be slightly more positive. Everyone else at work is shocked that he would get promoted before me, because they know I'm good. Tips were good yesterday. Tomorrow Johnathon will be there and I will get to ask him why he would pass me up.
Patrice, your revised essay was a lot better! Good luck! Also, since you like teaching (I say this to everyone) why don't you try tutoring? is a site where you can be an independent contractor kind of tutor and there's usually lots of jobs, they only let you know about jobs around you. Plus it'd look good on your resume. Check it out.
I miss you guys tons. I'm sposed to have a partying date in Bloomington with tj this wknd. I hope he doesn't cancel last minute, but I'm doubting it. That'll be something fun to blog about for a change.
Ok, I miss you guys and love you all
Friday, November 12, 2010
i don't know what to do
i posted what i sent below if you wanted to see what i changed.
kelly, i'm just as much of a shut in as you are. all i do is work, stay home or go to the gym, or go to the bank and deposit my paycheck. lately been going to the gym like 5 days a week. i've been going to the cycle class. it's pretty intense and i really like it. been doing some core and resistance stuff on the days i don't do the cycle class. maybe if i was interested in cycling before i would have cycled in little 5.
i still don't get very much hours at borders, but i'm guessing that will change soon....maybe? at least the gm doesn't yell at me anymore, she has other things to worry about.
i've also been thinking about taking the postal exam to work at the post office. kind of out there, but it appeals to me. you have to score around 95-100 to really stand a chance. knowing that you are the best of the best seems pleasing to me. i know i shouldn't give up on trying to find something in japan, but i'm getting tired of doing interviews and applying. at times i feel really motivated to go back on a music track, but then i realize how behind and competitive it is for violin. now that i'm done applying to stuff for a little bit, i'm gonna intensely study japanese again.
Statement of Purpose
One thing that I have always taken for granted while growing up in Hawaii’s mixture of cultures was the Japanese Kiku channel. My family regularly watched the Soko ga Shiritai and Kinpachi Sensei series’ as I grew up, but it wasn’t until I was in high school that my interest piqued as I took Japanese for my language requirement and a Kimono culture class. Six years later after an exchange program with Youth For Understanding and an intensive summer language program, I want to spread my desire for globalization and international understanding by teaching English as a Second Language in Japan.
One experience that I find particularly relevant to the JET Program is my time teaching this past summer at a Japanese language immersion camp associated with Concordia Language Villages. As a counselor, I was responsible for looking after a cabin of campers, planning and run activities for a small language class twice a day, and organizing, leading and helping with daily cultural activity events in the evenings. Through this I gained experience teaching and working with children and learned that enthusiasm, repetition and patience are necessary when teaching a second language. This positive experience has further fueled my desire to participate in the JET program. I have a strong desire to work with and teach children, and to increase my knowledge of Japanese culture in areas that are unfamiliar to me while working in a new setting. By working and living in Japan, I feel that I will gain more confidence teaching and mentoring children while increasing my knowledge of Japanese language and culture. I would like to be able to bring back that knowledge and share it with the communities in the United States.
As a half Chinese and half Filipino student growing up in Hawaii, I have been raised with a mixture of American and Asian values that I feel can bring a wide range of experiences and cultures to Japanese communities. Going away from Hawaii to attend university in Indiana introduced me to Midwestern American culture. Having an Asian population of less than three percent and less than a dozen and a half students from Hawaii on my university campus, I felt compelled to share my experiences and cultural background with the campus through the various multi-cultural organizations. Through A.S.I.A Club (Association of Students Interested in Asia), I planned several opportunities for the university campus to experience cuisines of various Asian cultures, and noted holiday celebrations such as the Chinese Moon Festival and the Lunar New Year. I also performed Yosakoi dances twice a year with Japanese international students at the International Student Association’s International Bazaar, helping to share Japanese culture with the campus.
Also being classically trained in music on the violin, I would hope to bring along that interest and share it with my students and their community. During my undergraduate studies I was never able to tie my musical studies and East Asian studies together even though music is also a universal language. I now see that music is also a way of sharing a connection between different countries and cultures. I would want to show that it doesn’t matter about our differences. East or West, Caucasian or Asian, male or female, United States or Japan, we all can be linked.
As English remains a dominant language in business and international relations, teaching English to Japanese students will ensure that Japan will able to continue communicating with the world and strengthen our mutual bonds. I know that I can help to provide a link in connecting two languages and two countries, but also as a global citizen, mentoring the Japanese youth in a larger pursuit of international understanding.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
it's getting late
First, perhaps the creator should post on this blog.
Second, sorry to hear about the job Patrice. I am sure it's a bummer. I maintain what I told you via email, you should send out more apps to increase your odds. I mean, of course you're still probs gonna get your heart set on a job and still be disapointed ( i still have no clue how to spell that word) but I feel like that's a pretty good use of your time or something, yaknow? I have just restarted my job hunt post election. So far I feel good about it. But we will see. ONce I start getting rejected for jobs which supposedly require a high school diploma only, i will feel worse.
oh election. 3 days a week, minimum, working my butt off. Every Single One of my candidates lost. They lost cuz they had Ds next to their names, and people in Nalbany are pissed about death panels. Color me depressed.
Kelly, I'm surprised you would decide to be a shut in. I hate it. I'm so lonely and live off phone calls with Cait. But I guess if you're game, go for it. Glad you like gamba, it sounds fun. Taught four students today, and ped did pretty much nothing to help me. I think I overwhelmed them. And also they were all clearly TERRIFIED of me and had no idea i was just as scared to fuck up with them. I think it went okay though.
That's my life. Keep on chugging, I guess.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
remember remember!
i'm blogging mainly because patrice assigned it to me as homework and seeing as i don't do any of my homework for grad school, i guess i can do this. speaking of gradschool:
there are parts of ccm that are really hard and there are parts that aren't. the hard parts are all the viola parts, like my lessons and all my viola classes and stuff. we're supposed to practice minimum 5 hours a day so that is quite an adjustment from dpu. also an adjustment from dpu is the fact that apparently i didn't play any rep of significance, so my first lesson with masao kawasaki was a bit of a clusterfuck--so mr. kawasaki is like one of our two main teachers (dr. carroll is the main one) and he teaches at ccm and juilliard. but he looked at my rep list and was like...this is all you've done in four years? really? you went to undergrad? and i was like...ouuuch..but i sorta expected it since you know, i left dpu without playing walton...or bartok..or hoffmeister..or jc get the idea. so that kinda sucked, but then i had good lessons with dr. carroll from then on. it's weird because we have a different lesson time with a different teacher each week, so you really have to be on your game cause you might have a lesson on friday and then have to turn around and have one on monday (which sucks). i'm taking an orchestra excerpt class for viola (an undergrad class since we didn't have one at dpu) and a bowing class for viola and viola da gamba, which is really badass. i wanna take it the whole time i'm here but i can't next quarter cause of class conflicts and also it sucks to carry it around.
my academic class (yeah, just one history class) is super easy--it's like the same level as balensuela's sophomore class. people who come here from like juilliard and eastman and stuff flunk out of ccm because they think the academic classes are too i will say that dpu over prepared me academically.
my string quartet is pretty cool--it's me and three international asian students so that was weird at first because none of them wanted to talk and were like depending on me for a lot of decision-making, but now it's all good. our coach's dad is castle grubb (the music professor who worked at depauw for like ever) so he knew what depauw was which is pretty cool. i like him a lot.
my social life is pretty non-existent, mainly because of me. i basically just sit at home in my apartment and watch hulu and don't talk to anyone. i have friends here from blue lake but they're all brass players and i never see them. the viola studio here is 39 people so it's really hard to be tight like we were at dpu, but everyone is really nice. my closest friend is probably blake, i met him when we auditioned on the same day. he came over for drinks last night and it was really fun. i go to dpu on the weekends to see patrick or he comes here...he came for the two weekends of his fall break and we went to the zoo! it was awesome because they have manatees and so he was like in heaven, it was so cute to see him so happy. he's doing pretty well at depauw though, even though he doesn't wanna be there. oh well. he's thinking about auditioning for orchestral conducting here in 2 years, so we'll see if that happens.
i work in the admissions office and it's awesome--the best part is the applicant personal statements that we get from international students who clearly have like typed it in their native language and then put it through like a free translator. so funny. i work with some very unique people but they are fun and they add variety and humor to my days here. my boss went to school with OGS. anyway, this is way too long and not very interesting but i wanted to get an A on my hw patrice!!
i love and miss you all. now look at this cute dog!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
I'm going to the gym
Well yesterday I went to 24hr fitness and got gym membership. I had this free 7 day trial, and then they suckered me into getting a membership saying that it was the last day of their no initiation fees stuff. then they suckered me into getting personal training sessions because I was saying by not paying the initiation fees. So I've been trying to cancel the training sessions and then the guy is like just try it out.
This is what I'm gonna look like.
Gah. Back to square 1 again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fudge says purr
Oh well. At least it's almost election time. It will be fun when Shane Gibson wins.
Monday, October 18, 2010
LA Interview with Amity
I'll post about my weekend in LA. Oh man.
Friday 15th: Flight left Honolulu at 6:40am. That was really into LA around 3:30PMish. Got the free shuttle to the hotel and got settled there. I walked around the area and to the interview building so that I knew where it was. Worked out at the hotel gym and went to bed early.
Saturday 16th: Well I didn't sleep that well because I was nervous. Went to Starbucks and had a banana and coffee. The doors opened at 8am and the Info session was going to start at 8:30, if you are late you weren't allowed to enter. So, I was running a little late because I was having a hard time getting into the building. I had to walk around to get to another entrance. I finally get in and I was telling the security personal what suite I needed to go to, and he said that 2 other people had come just before me asking to go to the same place, but no one was up there. So that office building/complex is closed on the weekends. I was thinking wtf! there is no way that this company is not legit. I was freaking out. So I went back to the hotel because there wasn't anything that I could do there. I kept calling and calling the office. Finally I got in-touch with someone at 12:30pm after they had finished the group interview. I told her what happened, I had confirmed my attendance at the beginning of September. They had actually changed the location because they couldn't fit everyone in the office. And I wasn't notified of the change. Apparently they didn't respond to my confirmation, and then the lady I was talking goes, this is unacceptable, you should have responded back after not hearing from us for a month. Geezes fucking christ lady, how was I supposed to know I was supposed to receive another confirmation. It kind of was my fault, but really bad on their part as well. So she was like, can you come back in December.... ummmm...NO...I came all the way from HAWAII! So she put me on hold, and they let me come in the next day at 9am.
So I chilled at the hotel, she said I was allowed to change my lesson plan for one child, but I really couldn't have.
I didn't sleep well again that night, and I didn't really have an appetite.
Sunday 17th: So went to the 9am interview. Another guy who had showed up to the wrong place as well was there. He didn't even confirm, so I don't even know why they let him in. We had an info session, they basically explained a lot of stuff. Expectations, a video with some teaching demos, what the company is like. I took notes which was really useful because in later in the personal interview she asked me some stuff and I was allowed to use my notes.
We had to do the 5min. teaching demo. I thought it went alright considering there was only one child and it was supposed to be a game for at least 3 kids. After this we took an English test. There was spelling part, fill in the blanks and circling wrong tenses in a sentence. The spelling part was actually really hard for me. My spelling is really bad. But I guess I did alright on the other parts.
So they invited me to the personal interview right after. I waited for like 15mins in the lobby.
At the personal interview we talked about my lesson plan. They were kind of disappointed and it was of low standards.....They told me that I should use more gestures, less wordy words that are unnecessary, being a little more excited, and actually teach. Then they made me do a 10min teaching lesson, they had flashcards prepared and a photo. The vocab cards included words like paper, tape, string, ribbon, glue, paint. The sentence/question grammar that I was supposed to teach was : He/she has some ____. / What does he/she have ____? I had to plan a 30min lesson plan and teach 10mins of it.
So I used gestures for each vocab. I went over the vocab. Somehow during the lesson, I would say the word and then the child (the interviewer) would say the exact same thing. So we went through the cards a few times and the picture, point to things. I was supposed to some how differentiate the difference between He and She as well. Anyway, the 10min lesson just got worse and worse. I don't know why but I even added I and You; I have paper. Yeah....hott mess.
So after the 10mins we discussed how that teaching demo went. She was pissed that I added stuff, and then I realized that I was using the wrong sentence pattern too. I was using He/She has ____, but it was supposed to be He/She has some ____. And then I got kind of lectured why I have to stick to the lesson and not change things, because they also have take home worksheets and stuff, and if I don't teach the correct pattern then they won't know how to do the work. OMG this lady was so fucking bitchy.
She asked lots of questions. What I would do in certain scenarios, etc. I was so nervous....and taking a while to give my answers. I probably didn't really express very clearly what I was trying to say either....but hopefully I said some good stuff that will offset my teaching demo failures.
Its going to take a few weeks for them to respond. Its going to be really hard to say. I will be really surprised it if they hire me, and I can see them not hiring me as well. The whole interview makes me feel really discouraged now. I thought I would like that company because it was specifically for children and stuff, but they seem so rigid. Ah.
So I'm kind of bummed that it went very poorly. It kind of made me want to go back to Borders. Borders is getting a lot better. The GM doesn't yell at me that much anymore. She was off for a week too, so maybe that's why things were starting to feel better. But yeah, I thought I had a lot of pressure from Borders, I feel like I'd be getting even more pressure at this company. Idk. We'll see what happens.
So after I went back to the hotel; the interviews finished around 1:30. I was going to try to meet up with Nick, but actually his dad was in town too. I was surprised because he didn't tell me till then. Had a late lunch and bought one of those JOOSE drinks. That stuff tasted terrible. But after drinking half of it was pretty drunk/sloppy. Then Nick texts me asking if I wanted to go to dinner with them. Like omg....I'm fucking drunk already...and awkward....
Anyway they picked me up, I sobered up, and we went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. That was actually the first time I'd like ever talked to his dad. It wasn't that bad and some of the convo was interesting. Went back to the hotel and Nick stated for a few hours. Don't worry, nothing happened. We just watched TV and youtube videos on my laptop. Now that I'm reflecting on this though....I somewhat felt really at ease when I was with him. Kind of felt like I could forget the world. After Nick left I drank the rest of that JOOSE, bad idea. That shit made me hung over and nauseous. NEVER AGAIN will I drink that shit. I was planing to go to the gym but I couldn't.
Monday, flew back to Honolulu. I work tomorrow at 7am.
Not sure how I feel about wanting to teach in Japan anymore. I always thought I wanted to work in Japan, but this interview process like is really turning me off. Maybe its just this company though. I really liked working/teaching the kids at that Japanese camp in Minnesota, but this seems completely different. Starting to wonder if I should go back and try to pursue music any further or figure out what else I can do.
Monday, October 4, 2010
life as i know it
My bday was about a week ago and it was a suck fest. I spent too much time crying. I was so lonely! Lindsay took me out to lunch Saturday, so tht was cool, but I like saved texts cuz i expected my phone to explode. WRONGO. Tiffy called, cait called when I was asleep that night (the dr. had surgery that wknd) and my bro txted. So i was mostly just sad faced. My mom was m, of course, super sweet. But I missed my friends and I'm used to getting some love on my bday. But I did get a bday card and earrings from Jules a week late and cards from cait and tiffy late, so I shouldn't have felt sad so quickly. But every person that forgot me made me sad :( In happier times, cait came to celebrate with me this last weekend! We went out and got free make overs at sephora and went out and it was so fun! It'd been like a month since we had gotten to visit last, so hip hip hooray.
I wish I had some cheese to eat.
My trio played our first wedding together Saturday, and that was pretty fun. We have another one Sunday and that's something to look forward too. Actually, the bride, groom and bride's HOT brother flew out of louisville on sunday. Saw the groom and i was all "did you get married yesterday? I think i played at it..." but the highlight ws totes the hot brother, he recognized ME! I think tht means he's in love.
Funny story. Tiffers and Cait I think both lredy know it, but whatever. So I'm working circa five am. and this HOT australian sex pot is buying some coffee and a danish or something, keeps calling me love. He's wearing a university of connecticut sweatshirt. Chandler" You went to UCONN?" "Nah my girlfriend does" (insert sound of my heart breaking) Chandler"Oh. It's a good school, at least sports wise." hottie "I dunno about tht, but it's definitely a good school in the bedroom" Me ":-o" Chandler" Thanks have a good day!" Chandler didn't hear. He was in shock and all "you should be offended!" I probs wouldve been if he wasnt hot and australian, lol.
Everyone else should write updates now too.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
This is the first time that someones words pierce my heart. Everything that she says to me is usually very negative (her tone of voice is always very harsh/negative/mean sounding). This has been really bothering me a lot ever since I started working there. I've never been so affected by someones words. They really stick with me and I feel really down all the time. She hasn't said anything about the things I do good or anything. I'm pretty sure I'm doing some stuff that is good....
I wonder if I'm being over-sensitive about this.
Anyway, hope you all are doing well.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Life after graduation blows (sorry Kelly, I know you don't like it when people are unhappy). Talking with Cait keeps me from killing myself. This girl got this job I should've gotten and sucks at it. But she is nice.
I'm super lonely and my cat's my best friend.
I canvassed for Shane Gibson (state rep, 72nd district) yesterday in my own neighborhood. That was kind of funny. And Saturday I was canvassing for OFA and got stuck talking to this racist crazy for 43 minutes. It was incredibly entertaining. He had ideas of how to pay for the new bridge (which we've talked about for literally 30 years), and INSISTED i write them down to remember to tell Baron Hill. Teehee. He also pointed out where all the Mexicans live in his neighborhood, but he "doesn't want to feel prejudiced". I mean... you might want to feel it, but you are it Mr. racistpants. I put notes in votebuilder saying that he was crazy. But after all that, he's still gonna vote for Baron and Ellsworth! I'm pretty much a winning canvasser, lol.
k there's your life update. Hope it made yall happy
Thursday, August 26, 2010
amy's back!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Back to Society
I've been back in Hawaii for a week. Not really doing much of anything. I went to the beach and hung out with a few friends. I really miss camp (Mori no Ike, this translates to lake in the forest). I didn't think I would come to like that camp as much as I did. It kind of felt like a different home there. I'll probably want to go back to work there next summer if I don't have a real job.
So, right now it kind of sucks too. I have no job, I can't drive, and I have very little money.
I didn't play violin for 2 months and when I finally picked up my violin again, it feels like my fingers are fat and uncoordinated. I have no motivation to practice either. Feels like my interest in music has totally dropped to zero again. I think I want to put my efforts into Japanese. I think I want to get teaching certified so I can teach Japanese. But I also need my proficiency to get a little better too.
As of right now, I am waiting to hear back from Walmart, Target, Kama'aina Care (child care), Genki Sushi (sushi restaurant), CVS, and a teaching program in Japan. I will be applying to many more jobs here in Hawaii and in Japan.
For the time being, here is a funny video of me and my other coworkers dancing. Those kids were creepers and took this video.
P.S. Kelly will probably be the only one who understands this, Ryo is guy in the black t-shirt and shorts, wearing the hat and glasses.
long sigh
I've applied to a few more internships (even though I told myself I would not do anymore) at NPR and WNYC. If I'm lucky enough to get one they will start next month, but I haven't heard back from either yet and I'm starting to get worried. I think I will go crazy if I am not out of Indiana by this time next month.
I had to give back my viola my old private lesson teacher. I probably won't have the money to buy my own for a few years.
Not having that safety net of going back to school in the fall really sucks.
good things that have/will happened:
10k races
family reunion in Florida
Jersey Shore is back
Colts pre-season
WGRE is the #1 college radio station in the nation
That was depressing. Here's a funny vid: