i just wanted everyone to know in case you didn't already that speigs is officially getting married!! i confirmed this information with patrick last night. patrick actually went out with speigs and his now fiance last spring with brad and katie blakey to a cigar bar, lol...but they had lots of fun and patrick said his new ladyfriend is pretty cool. anyway, i thought since this blog was sort of a reminiscence of speigs's old blog that i'd pay homage to him by talking about him. haha.! woo!
life is still pretty lonely here in the nasty 'nati...but i might get a kitty!!! which shows how desperate i am because i'm allergic to kitties. but i'm not sure if i can afford one so i'm still trying to decide. i am so excited for thanksgiving and christmas to see my family and stuff!! i set up christmas decorations from the $$ tree in my apartment and they are so cute!! i got a little 3 foot tree from walmart and set it up. it makes it a little more homey i guess. sometimes at night i just turn off my lights and turn the xmas tree on and light a cinnamon-smelling candle and just stare at my tree and think about how much i can't wait to go home. weird and depressing right? lol it sounds like something from one of the more pathetic part of bridget jones's diary...haha
in more exciting news (and pretty much the only thing that keeps me from killing myself of loneliness here), patrick and i have been talking about getting married non-stop for the past two months. we're going to talk to my parents about it at thanksgiving (They like want us to take pre-marriage classes or something ) and then he's going to propose to me sometime within the year after that, if all goes according to plan. so mark your calendars for fall 2012, i think that's when we want the wedding to happen. like i said, it's basically the only thing that keeps me motivated to do anything while i'm so lonely here, but it's still pretty exciting. i hope i look like this at my wedding!!!

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