Team work!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fudge says purr

Hey. I hate life. HATE. Sorry to hear your interview experiences went so shittily patricey! That blows, I'm sorry. I don't know if you should totally write off teaching in Japan because of one bad interview! It's just one, you can learn from it. I am glad that Borders is getting better though! That's progress at least. My job is getting way more annoying. The band loser i HATE at work went to florida (where everyone he knows is) after getting fired from his other job, selling his car w/o buying a new one, and breaking up with his girlfriend. I was hoping he just wouldn't come back. But he did!!!! I am upset about this. There are many more complaints I won't list. I keep seeing people I know and having to explain that yes I did go to college and yes this is where I work now. I hate it. It makes me feel like shit. And then I came home to find out that the super painful gyno procedure I was forced to get 2 months ago is now gonna cost me almost a hundred and fifty bucks. WTF? And Cait's moving away. Suckfest.
Oh well. At least it's almost election time. It will be fun when Shane Gibson wins.


  1. i feel ya. i feel like i'm back to square one again. but i know it'll get better for us.

  2. It'll be ok right Patricey? We should just try to stay positive. I call this my transition period. Keep on chugging babe! And don't forget to vote a week from tomorrow! Unless you're working the polls... I feel like you told me that.
