Tiffypoo, this blog is so cool! I decided to resurrect Amy's picture on some sort of blog in memory of all of our ridiculous posts on Spiegs's blog. So here she is, in all of her crack whore glory.
I spent the summer at Blue Lake, so of course it was a good summer. It was really hard though because I was away from Patrick. Today is our 11 month anniversary so I'm pretty excited that in one month we'll have been together for a year. Weird, right? He came up and visited me at Blue Lake a lot, which was awesome cause we stayed at this really cute bed and breakfast and the couple that owned it was really nice. They are like in their 70s but they had just gotten back from this like 300 mile hike between France and Spain--cray cray. But it was fun.
I was done with camp this past Monday and I drove the 6 hours it took to get to DePauw to visit Patrick. I guess I win the prize for being the first one of us to visit again--even before classes had started, which I think is pretty sad. It was super anticlimactic because I went to the music building with Patrick and instead of most people being like, "Hey Kelly! How are you?" All excited to see me, most people were like, "Oh what are you doing here? Didn't you graduate?" Then I had to explain to everyone why I was there and it was stupid. Because I was just thinking the whole time...where the hell were all of you people when I was dating Patrick all year last year? Duh...why do you think I'm here..." but anyway. I talked to Mr. Smith and Spiegs and Carla Edwards and Mr. Rizner and Maddy Balensuela. They were all really nice though so that was cool. I stayed in Fiji and Dil is Patrick's roomie so of course he was just drinking all the time. I'm kinda over that. But anyway, going there made me really miss all of you guys. And looking at all the little freshman who were trying to make themselves look perfect and fratty and shit made me realize how happy I was to not be there again this year, even though I really miss you guys a lot.
I'm so happy that we have this blog because it's nice to be able to see what all of you guys are doing. Patrice, I love that video of you dancing. It's so cool that you worked at camp and loved it. Now you know how I feel about Blue Lake.
I'm watching wedding shows all day long because I'm home alone until I move to Cincinnati on Sep. 11. This crazy girl from Texas right now is convinced that she's going to wear cowboy boots with her wedding dress...ew. She also wants to only have beer to drink at her wedding. She was tasting wine and she was like "this is so gross!" Hahaha. Anyway, I love you guys and miss you all. More to come later.
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