i didn't know that tiffy posted until yesterday so it was such a wonderful christmas surprise to read about your life! I was glad to hear that you are doing well and see those cute doggies you posted, even if one of them did have to be put to sleep :( at any rate, i am glad that you are enjoying your internship and that you like working at whole foods. it sounds like your house is pretty cold but i am sure that you have lots of blankets, seeing as you always were curled up in one when we were roomies. i miss those days, except for when bridget always had the tv on, i wasn't a huge fan of that. but y'all were good roommates. glad to hear you're dating a musician as well, that's good. and thanks for the christmas card, it was so cute!
i am SO glad to be home for a little bit. it's nice to be able to stay here for an extended period of time versus the like 1 day that i came home during fall quarter. i got 3 weeks off of school but i worked an extra week in admissions because we were so busy and stuff around december 15 and stuff. when i came home though i went through indy to eat dinner with patrick and of course he just ended up coming home with me. i went to his grandma's funeral last week and met his entire dad's side of the family for the first time. i thought it would be super awkward since it was his grandma that i had never met and that i didn't know anyone there, but his dad's side is SUPER nice and friendly and it wasn't awkward at all. i think his grandma's death hit him a little bit harder than he will admit, but he seems to be doing well. we spent most of last week hanging at my house with my family and he got me hooked on this sci-fi show called sanctuary, which was on the sci-fi channel (go figure). it's pretty good except sometimes it's a little cheesy but it's mainly pretty good. he went to my family's christmas eve dinner in spencer and then he went home for christmas yesterday, but he's coming back here today to hang out.
my family's christmas get together was really fun. it has recently become VERY entertaining to be around my mom's side of the family because my little cousin cammie (patrice knows her) is SO mischevious (sp?)!! she's 3 now and her aunt and uncle (my other cousins) think that her parents let their kids get away with too much. for example, they let cammie play on top of their huge SUV when it was raining and cammie fell off of it into gravel. i'm pretty sure they all just laughed when it happened, even cammie. but it's so funny because their parenting drives my other cousins up the wall so it's like a huge ridiculous mess when we get together. but it's funny. for example, my cousin andrew (the one who thinks his sister is a bad mom) was really teasing cammie the other day and he kept saying the same stuff over and over and over and she just looks at him with this little evil look in her face and says "if you say that one more time, uncle andrew, i am going to kick you in the face." just like, plain as day, totally serious. she is crazy, but she is so cute too! patrice knows. haha. but my get togethers are now really entertaining cause it's usually cammie (and her brother cooper) doing really funny misbehavingish-type things and my other cousins getting really annoyed by it, haha. oh well.
no ring this christmas. it's still at my house, so looks like i won't be engaged in 2010. ohhhhhh well. that's ok, i'm still young.
at this time last year i was on my way to hawaii. sigh. wish i could go again, considering how much fun i had with patrice and anna. and i ate so much good food. and it was WARM. ahhhhhhhhhh. i need to stop thinking about it.
i am thinking about you all right now during the holidays and i miss you all very much! i hope you were all as excited about christmas as this lady shopping at walmart was...

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