Team work!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

RECITAL and other things

ok so my kids' had the recital tonight. THEY WERE AWESOME. so good. so good. and i am super fucking proud. like walking around with a giant smile, etc.
i was also SO NERVOUS OMG. i think i was more nervous than i was for my senior recital. i really do. cuz then i had the party to think about. that was a fun party :)
i meant to take pictures. but i was so worked up. that i did not.
my students are the best
plus i think they like me. idk, i can kind of tell a lil more when im chatting w/the parents and whatnot. Plus I have three students saying they are going to take lessons over the summer. so yay. and i am trying to push three of them into the ius summer string camp. 1 is like "yeah!" and 1 is like "ugh viola" and 1 is like "ooh when?" so that's cool.
you guys shoulda gone to this recital. it was SO AWESOME i am not sure if i was clear but it was pretty freaking fantastic. and i baked cookies. and my chocolate chip ones (just like poison cookies btw - same recipe just me making steada mom) went so fast! i didn't get one :( but i have leftover cheeseball and butterscotch and pecan cookies. :)

so what else? oh so i was like high off my awesome night right? well came home with my parents (who came to cheer me on - sweet) and we listen to a new voicemail. from some fucking arm doctor who my work STILL HAS NOT PAID and then i got mad and i think i have to sue. which sucks. but this happened with my boss's boss this week
tony heineke "hi rachel how are you?"
"i'm bad. i'm getting collection calls from the bills YOU ALL still have not paid"
"what? it's not my fault"
"well whose fault is it? who picked gallager and basset (their insurance company)?"
"calm down"
"it has been four months tony"
"well don't attack me"
"i'm not attacking you, you asked how i am. and i am upset because i am getting calls from collection agencies. that's how i am"
then he walks away visibly upset. my coworkers are like STUNNED and silent. he comes back
"ok start over this is the first i've heard of this"
"no it's not. you asked how i was right when the renovation started and i said "bad my medical bills still haven't been paid" so you have heard about this before"
"ok. well what is going on?"
"well most of my bills have been paid, but the lab bills and the er doc bill still hasn't. i have mailed them and faxed them to my contact at gallager basset and she says she is paying it but now i'm getting calls because she hasn't"
"you have to understand it is a really big company"
"EXACTLY. it is a really big company so they should be able to deal with a few medical bills in a timely fashion"
"well it hasn't been that long"
"YES IT HAS if i am getting calls from collections agencies"
"well tell me about it ask me for help maybe we can make resolution" (sometimes i don't think he understands english)
"ok here is her name and number" he took it, called her, came back and asked for YET ANOTHER copy of the bills. i left them in his office door yesterday. i got a call tonight. WHAT THE FUCK JUST DO IT MOTHERFUCKERS WHY MUST YOU RUIN MY DAY AND MY CREDIT

so that sucks. seriously you guys DO NOT get hurt at work (although it isn't like i planned it) because i really don't think hms host is special in its suckiness.

oh and apparently the thing i'm doing with ofa is SUPER FANCIPANTS. I'm a summer organizer and i was on a conference call for it the other night and i put NO effort into getting this, steve completely hooked me up i think, i didn't even have an interview. and i learned on the call 1. that everyone else had an interview 2. that they only accepted 20 something applicants out of 100 plus. WHO KNEW.

ok now that i have written a novel i am going to eat leftover cheeseball


  1. Rach, that is SO AWESOME about your students' recital!!! Congrats on being (obviously) a great teacher!!

    Also, I really am craving all that food you talked about. Mmmm. Europeans just don't do baked goodness like Americans do :( And cheeseballs.

    Stupid insurance people. Screw them.

  2. omg it is so good. i was gonna get skinny this weekend but FUCK THAT. and thanks! maybe i am a good teacher? i hope so. but as a woman in america i am taught not to talk good about myself. i have read several articles lately about how that is why we have WAY MORE college degrees yet WAY LESS quality jobs. stupid patriarchy. but that was a tangent. cookies for breakfast? OK
