Team work!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So..I am like 5 years behind and just got a webcam. I need to skype with you guys!!!! This so soooo coool!

Why doesn't anyone write in here anymore?

Hmmm.....lets see....I'm still pretty much just working out at the gym and going to work.
Waiting and waiting again to hear from JET, but I bet it will probably longer since Japan is in such a mess right now. Yikes. Its really sad to keep watching the news about Japan.

On Thursday Hawaii did get a tsunami warning to hit at around 3:15am-ish. It wasn't that bad though. The sea level was supposed to have changed 2 meters (6ft ish?). Some of the harbors, marinas and boat owners got messed up, but not casualties. Someones house on the Big Island floated away. They got hit with bigger waves.

What else can I write about here....I read the Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins. If I've ever told you guys about Battle Royale, it's kinda like that. These kids or youth rather are selected to participate in these games and they have to kill each other. They get special training then like off and kill. Kinda like Lord of the Flies (I didn't read that).
I'm gonna read that Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series next.

Ok. Hope you all are well.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should try happier green eggs and ham or something!
