so here is the news. i am writing a blog post. ALERT THE PRESSES
right now my dad is very angrily putting away the dishes. I do not know why, but I think he is angry with my mom... now he is talking about his job. his job SUCKS. he and i have job suckoff competitions pretty regularly. i think he *technically* wins just because some people do not expect this job to last me forever... some people.
speaking of this job - i am officially (finally) a LEAD. Judy told me today (while she was peeing) that she got my performance review and I get a 50 cent an hour (there is no cent sign on a keyboard. WHO KNEW) raise!!!! Next week hopefully Rich is going to give me an 8 key. The 8 key opens the stock room door and also the downstairs and the thing that covers the coffee and like a zillion other things. As Marcel says "it is the key to the world". I also need to get my security badge fixed so that it works the elevators again so that I can go downstairs again. Man working in an airport is complicated. still 50 cent raise! So guys, guess what this raise means to me. It means I am going to spring for - unlimited texts. It is on the to do list for this week for me to call verizon.
also on the to do list- figure out my stupid insurance. i pay circa 10 dollars a paycheck for dental and circa 40 for health. stunningly, i am already out of "wellness benefits" at aetna, the health insurance. i have a $90 bill and a $70 bill for a freaking check up at the gyno. glad i pay for insurance regularly. and i went to the dentist for a cleaning (all that my insurance provides is two cleanings) and couldn't find my dental card blah blah supposedly we don't get a card and we have to request a form from the dentist. my dentist was like "WTF MAN?" so now i have to call judy (hr lady) and try to deal with it so i don't have a monster dental bill as well. being a grown up is lame.
um what else is up in my life....considering getting back into ofa. trying to find jobs to apply to. I helped my friend get a PAID marketing internship with the ymca. See, tiffy? Random airport connections can be awesome. I just started interrogating her while selling her coffee, and found out that she did communications for the ymca. I was like "is there marketing in that? it sounds all marketingy" or something and she was like "oh yeah! tonso marketing!" to which I said "oh well I have a friend who is a marketing whiz, she is studying it at ius. Her name is Holly. Come here, Holly" and Holly chatted with her and got an email address! Which led to the internship she started yesterday! Mucho excitingo.
Kelly is gonna go see the ballet with me soon :)
I got a letter from Cait today! And one from Patricey earlier this week! I love getting letters from you guys. It makes me feel less abandoned by all my friends. tj and trew didn't help that this week... anyway yay letters!
I think ima buy a used ab lounge so when i sit here and watch intervention i can make my abs flat and sexy. This intervention is really sad. Aren't they all?
k nothing else is goin on. i miss you guys!
The purpose of this blog is to keep all of us in touch with each other, post what's happening in our lives, share a funny picture, or publish anything else you want. It'll be like Spieg's class all over again, except for you'll want to write in it! We started this way back in 2010 after graduation. Remember that time? We're so OLD now!
Now here's a funny picture for you to look at:
Team work!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
So I think someone next door just got wifi or something...i'm using their signal!
This is very exciting! Now I can live like it's 2011!!! PARTAY ON DA INTANET!
k, so i gots to take a shower n stuff then go to bed. I'll have another update soon.
Ciao friends!
This is very exciting! Now I can live like it's 2011!!! PARTAY ON DA INTANET!
k, so i gots to take a shower n stuff then go to bed. I'll have another update soon.
Ciao friends!
So..I am like 5 years behind and just got a webcam. I need to skype with you guys!!!! This so soooo coool!
Why doesn't anyone write in here anymore?
Hmmm.....lets see....I'm still pretty much just working out at the gym and going to work.
Waiting and waiting again to hear from JET, but I bet it will probably longer since Japan is in such a mess right now. Yikes. Its really sad to keep watching the news about Japan.
On Thursday Hawaii did get a tsunami warning to hit at around 3:15am-ish. It wasn't that bad though. The sea level was supposed to have changed 2 meters (6ft ish?). Some of the harbors, marinas and boat owners got messed up, but not casualties. Someones house on the Big Island floated away. They got hit with bigger waves.
What else can I write about here....I read the Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins. If I've ever told you guys about Battle Royale, it's kinda like that. These kids or youth rather are selected to participate in these games and they have to kill each other. They get special training then like off and kill. Kinda like Lord of the Flies (I didn't read that).
I'm gonna read that Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series next.
Ok. Hope you all are well.
Why doesn't anyone write in here anymore?
Hmmm.....lets see....I'm still pretty much just working out at the gym and going to work.
Waiting and waiting again to hear from JET, but I bet it will probably longer since Japan is in such a mess right now. Yikes. Its really sad to keep watching the news about Japan.
On Thursday Hawaii did get a tsunami warning to hit at around 3:15am-ish. It wasn't that bad though. The sea level was supposed to have changed 2 meters (6ft ish?). Some of the harbors, marinas and boat owners got messed up, but not casualties. Someones house on the Big Island floated away. They got hit with bigger waves.
What else can I write about here....I read the Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins. If I've ever told you guys about Battle Royale, it's kinda like that. These kids or youth rather are selected to participate in these games and they have to kill each other. They get special training then like off and kill. Kinda like Lord of the Flies (I didn't read that).
I'm gonna read that Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series next.
Ok. Hope you all are well.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
haha, My title is what normal people would do right if there parents were gone for 2 weeks......but i don't really have friends anymore to have a party....
My parents are going to Las Vegas and somewhere for my dad's 60th birthday. Man hes old. We had a early birthday party with some of my dads cousins this past weekend too.

We had a big dinner at this Chinese dinner at this fancy restaurant. Even had Shark Fin soup (so in Hawaii we passed a new law that you can't eat Shark Fin....but if the restaurant has stock they can use it....).
Anyway....I started this entry and then my mouse I'm continuing this entry. It is now Thursday, March 3rd. Drinking some wine alone in my the next 2 days anyway. Drinking wine kind of reminds me of Franzia, which reminds me of Violins vs Violas....miss those days. But I have to say wine taste much better when I'm not chugging it.
Brother is going to Hilo(Big Island) for the next few days to play with the orchestra there. Isn't it sad that they have to fly people in from the other islands to play in the UH Hilo campus orchestra for their concert. Pretty much have the house to myself (my Aunt lives downstairs, we live upstairs; shes gonna be around though). I should so have a party....oh man. interview went okay....There were 2 people from UH (University of Hawaii's East West Center, that's where Anna Kung was working when she was in HI last year during WT) 1 Japanese guy, and 1 former JET participant, she was a younger looking girl, well when I say young I mean in her 20s. I thought I had some good answers, and some generic not memorable we'll see. There was the one guy that kind of asked hard q's and tries to intimidate the interviewee...but he wasn't that scary. The LA interview was way more scary and intimidating. At one point I was talking about how I wanted to share the concept of the American Prom.....I have no idea where that came from, but when I was telling them about that their eyes kind of popped out and had an ahhh like that was something new and never heard before.I find out early April. If i get short listed that means I'm selected for the program, but if I get an alternate then I could be updated to the short list if people drop out.
Anyway, what brother has this girlfriend. Her name is Monica. Shes a year older than me, but shes still in college. Nursing....? Maybe another year and a half..... It is almost impossible to graduate in 4 years at UH. Good thing I didn't go there. Anyway...thats crazy that anyone would date my brother. Hes so weird.
So Borders.....filed for Bankruptcy 11 like 2 weeks ago....maybe....and a ton of stores are closing due to that. I looked at the list and some in Indy, Broadripple....a ton in Indiana are closing. I remember going to one in Indy, it was a huge Borders. 2 stores in Hawaii are closing, ones on Kauai and the Big Island. Now the outer islands (islands other than Oahu; I live on Oahu; most populated island; population is about 1 million) have no Borders and pretty much no book stores at all..that's pretty sad. It makes sense not to close the ones in Hawaii since shipping costs a ton and people do buy stuff from the stores vs online. You know how there is free shipping and such....but it excludes Hawaii and Alaska. GM is fucking dumb bitch dumb fuck. She like didn't fill out the paperwork to keep some of the seasonal temporary people we have and so we had to let them go last week. So we lost a ton of people and 3 others quit. One had a full time position and was in charge of paperchase (the notebooks, cards, stationary stuff). Her reasoning was that the GM made her feel so anxious and she was getting anxiety and such. I totally understand since I felt the same way when I first started and almost quite like a month after I got hired. She was working there for almost a year too. We let her handle all of paperchase since that was a section of its own, and now nobody knows what to do with her stuff. HOTT mess. And 2 other guys quit, 1 lived kind of far away and working closer to his house is more convenient since he can't drive. And the other guy was a military dependent, so I guess his family and stuff is shipping out.
So I think we have about 17people on staff....kinda sad. And there is a hiring freeze because of all this bankruptcy stuff. But we had 2 interviewees today for somereason. And the GM didn't tell anyway. OHHHH and one of the other managers is quitting. Shes one of the managers that did my interview and hired me. I'm kinda sad that shes leaving. This is the 2nd manager that is quitting since I started working. Its because of the GM. She is a real BITCHZILLA! Anyway......I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon until I can find another job. Kinda feels like I'm going down with this sinking ship....
Oh yeah, so I think I'm playing in this gig with my brother next Friday. Oh man. I haven't played a gig in like 4 years. And I really hate playing with my brother.....and I haven't change my strings in like a year.....this should be interesting.
Tiffypoo, that haircut looks good. OMG I'm proud that you are still running. We just had the Great Aloha Run (an 8 mile run) this past weekend. We also have the Honolulu Marathon, but that's crazy.
Kellypoo, your puppy loookssss sooooo cute! You know what..I was actually going through old DPU stuff that I kept, and I found a birthday card you wrote be when we were freshman. It said you hoped we would get to play chamber music together someday. To bad we never made that happen. You weren't there I think, but I told the DG's to play chamber music with each other. It is a good bond to share.
Rachypoo, I'm glad your arm is doing better! Take all the baby steps that you need so that you can get it fully healed. Your trio pics look sooooooooo COOOOOOLLLLL!!!! And it is quality photos. Congrats on your promotion! :)
Amanda, I bet that being locked in your apartment was a really bad experience, but I sounded like a really good and funny story. Sorry if thats a little insensitive of me. its like fml statements that you know it sucks but its funny when you look back on it.
Sounds like you are getting a ton of teaching experience. I might ask you some tips/pointers and suggestions on ESL stuff if I get selected for JET.
Anyway....hope you all are doing well. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!
My parents are going to Las Vegas and somewhere for my dad's 60th birthday. Man hes old. We had a early birthday party with some of my dads cousins this past weekend too.
We had a big dinner at this Chinese dinner at this fancy restaurant. Even had Shark Fin soup (so in Hawaii we passed a new law that you can't eat Shark Fin....but if the restaurant has stock they can use it....).
Anyway....I started this entry and then my mouse I'm continuing this entry. It is now Thursday, March 3rd. Drinking some wine alone in my the next 2 days anyway. Drinking wine kind of reminds me of Franzia, which reminds me of Violins vs Violas....miss those days. But I have to say wine taste much better when I'm not chugging it.
Brother is going to Hilo(Big Island) for the next few days to play with the orchestra there. Isn't it sad that they have to fly people in from the other islands to play in the UH Hilo campus orchestra for their concert. Pretty much have the house to myself (my Aunt lives downstairs, we live upstairs; shes gonna be around though). I should so have a party....oh man. interview went okay....There were 2 people from UH (University of Hawaii's East West Center, that's where Anna Kung was working when she was in HI last year during WT) 1 Japanese guy, and 1 former JET participant, she was a younger looking girl, well when I say young I mean in her 20s. I thought I had some good answers, and some generic not memorable we'll see. There was the one guy that kind of asked hard q's and tries to intimidate the interviewee...but he wasn't that scary. The LA interview was way more scary and intimidating. At one point I was talking about how I wanted to share the concept of the American Prom.....I have no idea where that came from, but when I was telling them about that their eyes kind of popped out and had an ahhh like that was something new and never heard before.I find out early April. If i get short listed that means I'm selected for the program, but if I get an alternate then I could be updated to the short list if people drop out.
Anyway, what brother has this girlfriend. Her name is Monica. Shes a year older than me, but shes still in college. Nursing....? Maybe another year and a half..... It is almost impossible to graduate in 4 years at UH. Good thing I didn't go there. Anyway...thats crazy that anyone would date my brother. Hes so weird.
So Borders.....filed for Bankruptcy 11 like 2 weeks ago....maybe....and a ton of stores are closing due to that. I looked at the list and some in Indy, Broadripple....a ton in Indiana are closing. I remember going to one in Indy, it was a huge Borders. 2 stores in Hawaii are closing, ones on Kauai and the Big Island. Now the outer islands (islands other than Oahu; I live on Oahu; most populated island; population is about 1 million) have no Borders and pretty much no book stores at all..that's pretty sad. It makes sense not to close the ones in Hawaii since shipping costs a ton and people do buy stuff from the stores vs online. You know how there is free shipping and such....but it excludes Hawaii and Alaska. GM is fucking dumb bitch dumb fuck. She like didn't fill out the paperwork to keep some of the seasonal temporary people we have and so we had to let them go last week. So we lost a ton of people and 3 others quit. One had a full time position and was in charge of paperchase (the notebooks, cards, stationary stuff). Her reasoning was that the GM made her feel so anxious and she was getting anxiety and such. I totally understand since I felt the same way when I first started and almost quite like a month after I got hired. She was working there for almost a year too. We let her handle all of paperchase since that was a section of its own, and now nobody knows what to do with her stuff. HOTT mess. And 2 other guys quit, 1 lived kind of far away and working closer to his house is more convenient since he can't drive. And the other guy was a military dependent, so I guess his family and stuff is shipping out.
So I think we have about 17people on staff....kinda sad. And there is a hiring freeze because of all this bankruptcy stuff. But we had 2 interviewees today for somereason. And the GM didn't tell anyway. OHHHH and one of the other managers is quitting. Shes one of the managers that did my interview and hired me. I'm kinda sad that shes leaving. This is the 2nd manager that is quitting since I started working. Its because of the GM. She is a real BITCHZILLA! Anyway......I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon until I can find another job. Kinda feels like I'm going down with this sinking ship....
Oh yeah, so I think I'm playing in this gig with my brother next Friday. Oh man. I haven't played a gig in like 4 years. And I really hate playing with my brother.....and I haven't change my strings in like a year.....this should be interesting.
Tiffypoo, that haircut looks good. OMG I'm proud that you are still running. We just had the Great Aloha Run (an 8 mile run) this past weekend. We also have the Honolulu Marathon, but that's crazy.
Kellypoo, your puppy loookssss sooooo cute! You know what..I was actually going through old DPU stuff that I kept, and I found a birthday card you wrote be when we were freshman. It said you hoped we would get to play chamber music together someday. To bad we never made that happen. You weren't there I think, but I told the DG's to play chamber music with each other. It is a good bond to share.
Rachypoo, I'm glad your arm is doing better! Take all the baby steps that you need so that you can get it fully healed. Your trio pics look sooooooooo COOOOOOLLLLL!!!! And it is quality photos. Congrats on your promotion! :)
Amanda, I bet that being locked in your apartment was a really bad experience, but I sounded like a really good and funny story. Sorry if thats a little insensitive of me. its like fml statements that you know it sucks but its funny when you look back on it.
Sounds like you are getting a ton of teaching experience. I might ask you some tips/pointers and suggestions on ESL stuff if I get selected for JET.
Anyway....hope you all are doing well. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!
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