Team work!

Monday, February 28, 2011

fudgey does not like this

she is really mad at me right now for not petting her.
you guys should apologize to her

So I'm glad to see most people are doing well. Although that getting locked in your apartment story SUCKED amanda. sucked. i think i would have cried. Don't you just hate it when that shit happens? you're locked in and your phone doesn't work and then someone doesn't pick up their phone.... le sigh. That was like my Saturday at work, which began with me being the ONLY one there. No manager, no other opener (the stupid new kid was late. predictable), no one at quiznos. It was super sucky.

Speaking of super sucky - I have gotten medical bills for my WORKER'S COMP injury. I am not paying them. I called my rep at Gallagher and Basset freaking all week last week. I just called her again. no answer. I called and got the operator (after pressing about 7 thousand buttons) and he did not help at all and transferred me to the supervisor who also WASN'T there and I left her a message. I am going to get this worked out, I know, but right now I am pissed about my $426 emergency room bill. Medical bills can fuck with your credit score. I am working really hard on repaying my loans so that I will have a good credit score. It is just pissing me off. I'm gonna email Jerry, the lawyer I have already emailed about this. I will get it worked out.

Like my trio on fb! Trying to get some publicity. Classical Nuovo. We have some crazy looking (professional) photos on there too. And btw, those recordings you can play are SO not us.

I went to the gym yesterday! Who is proud?! I AM. I kinda used my arm as an excuse not to gym it for a while. Luckily I have to walk constantly at work so I am not gaining weight. But I am hella sore today. It's hard to stand on your feet/walk at work and then work out after. It was easier when I worked at meijer, I could work out before. Anyway whatever. Back to the gym for me!

My manager said today he's gonna go ahead and push through my promotion!!!! FINALLY. I'm not gonna celebrate it until I get the raise though. The thing is that our starbucks manager for the region, Pam (we are a franchise so we have a starbucks manager and an hms host manager) has quit (in like november) and we STILL don't know who the newbie is. So just waiting on jonathon (baby manager i work with every day) to push it through to tony (jonathon's hms host boss). My pushiness will help.

Glad to hear everyone's relationships are going well! Patricey and I need to catch up! Gonna be hard for me because i have absolutely no social life, lol.

OH you guys might understand this. Newbie at work, who is super cute and kinda niave and in LOVE with jesus, is kinda dating (but not really. she can't date him until she knows god approves. LITERALLY) chandler. She took chandler to work sunday. He was nervous and I asked her about it today. her "I asked him about his beliefs. He said he definitely believes in God, but he also believes we came from apes!!!!! I mean really?! That is so much harder to believe I think!" Evie (a massive fan of jesus herself) "Well that is more complicated than just that we came from apes, and it is possible to believe both... The important thing is that he believes in salvation and is on a path to get to heaven"
that right there? pretty normal day at work for me. And those are the people i like!
for the record, everyone, i do believe in evolution. Just in case that might affect your friendship with me (what newbie was worried about)

my dad's play is getting produced in la this week! And last week actually. But he and my mom are going to see it this week! YAY!

k that's all I got. Miss you guys!

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